Tuesday, December 12, 2006

A Poor Evaluation by the Better Business Bureau

See http://charityreports.give.org/Public/Report.aspx?CharityID=3104


Simon Ben David said...

Hardly surprising to hear that really.

Anonymous said...

This is not a poor evaluation. Look at how many of the other organizaitons on this list do not meet the standards set out by the BBB. The most surprising fact is how poorly the leader of the group is compensated. Less than $250,000 (includes all benefits) for the responsibility to save people's souls.

Anonymous said...

A great responsibility, yes, but how well is he fulfilling that responsibility? How many souls are being saved?

Anonymous said...

You ought to be able to do some research on the Jews for Jesus website all on your own if you genuinely want to know the answer to that, but this will get you started:


Anonymous said...

To the poster who questions how well David Brickner is fulfilling his reponsibility as executive director of Jews for Jesus, here are some questions for YOU: how many souls are YOU responsible for saving in the last year? How many disciples have you made? How many people have been exposed to the Gospel for the first time due to YOUR efforts in the last year?

The Ex-Jews for Jesus cult is truly beginning to sound a bit desparate to grasp at any straw they can to prove how "evil" Jews for Jesus is. May God forgive you your false words, allegations, and character assassination of those who are doing the Lord's work.

Anonymous said...

"The Ex-Jews for Jesus cult"

I gotta admit, this is cute.

Jews for Jesus, with its "high demand" lifestyle and control issues that go way beyond that of a pastor and his church, is cultish. But you choose not to see it.

We're just a loose association of schlubs who were young once and gave our hearts and lives to an agency which, frankly, treated its people like crap.

There are many reasons for there to be an Ex-Jews for Jesus. For me, if I can warn just one young Jewish believer that he or she will likely be drained of joy and energy by the end of their time with JfJ, then I will be content that I've done the right thing.

Most staff leave and many of those are embittered.

A small core of JfJ staff become leaders and never see (or choose to see) the problems or destruction their ministry has caused. But in my experience, I've seen these people become as arbitrary and controlling as Moishe Rosen.

Anonymous said...

"many of those are embittered."

That really just says it all. Nice to see one of the Ex-Jews for Jesus cult finally admit that their hearts are filled with bitterness. You're fond of crying that Jews for Jesus is so unbiblical, yet choose to ignore that the bitterness harbored in your hearts is a sin.

Don't think it's going without notice that you are avoiding answering the following questions:

1) How many souls are YOU responsible for saving in the last year?
2) How many disciples have you made?
3) How many people have been exposed to the Gospel for the first time due to YOUR efforts in the last year?

Simon Ben David said...

The Jews for Jesus cult is so hung up on results that all means justify that end. Even if it means that people are chewed up and spat out in the game of "winning souls".

Almighty God does not delight in this at all, the JFJ cult are whitewashed tombs blinded in their supposed "traditions' of "winning souls", "sorties", "deputations" etc.

Their twisting of everything that is said by people who have been genuinely hurt by them is rephrehensible.

The Lord Yeshua did not "work" his disciples like this, nor did he make preaching the gospel into a game of numbers.

May God have mercy on this deluded group that once was blessed by Him.

Anonymous said...

"Simon ben David,"

It is your words who are twisted. Your failure to answer some simple questions that ANY believer in Y'shua would be glad to answer reveals that you are not interested in building up the Kingdom of God -- just in tearing down those who have dedicated their lives to doing so. Yours is a heart filled with bitterness and hatred. May God help you.

Anonymous said...

Don't think it's going without notice that you are avoiding answering the following questions:

1) How many souls are YOU responsible for saving in the last year?
2) How many disciples have you made?
3) How many people have been exposed to the Gospel for the first time due to YOUR efforts in the last year?

Sorry. Not going to play your game.

I'll bet you have those "stats" all neatly packaged up in your Missionary report which will hopefully appear in the "Bits from the Branches".

ps Don't think that just because JfJ "wins souls" that you score some sort of free coupon to treat people like crap. Pretty sure that's not in any of the Paul letters.

Shabbat Shalom!

Simon Ben David said...

Good heavens above

I do hope that JFJ are sanctioning this individua to write here. I wonder if they discuss it over coffee from the corner of Haight when they're doing postcards.

It is pitiful when so much emphasis [is put] on numbers rather than the kingdom building - which is repentance and turning, not numbers and decisions.

bitterness? no thanks, they made my coffee just fine, I have no grounds for complaint.

Anonymous said...

Simon Ben David,

Don't you get the feeling that our friend would just love to throw a telephone at us? Or perhaps send us out on a 12 hour sortie to reflect on our issue?

If you listen carefully, just under the "May God help you" you can hear a pretty hostile JB (Jewish Believer).

Simon Ben David said...

Yeah, it's really sad isn't it?

I recall my supposed "leader" chastising me greatly for not getting my numbers in when he had excused himself on "study leave" and counted it as "two sorties".

I recall him fining me financially for not getting 8 visits and only 7, when that week I got a "JBD" and spent more time with the new believer.

I recall him getting upset that I had written that we were in need of encouragement when he wanted our branch to appear super successful.

I recall him wanting me to reconsider to stay with JFJ when I tendered my resignation, then telling people that he had long wanted me to go.

I recall him forcing me to go for a sushi meal with Moishe Rosen when I had just eaten and having to sit and watch said man eat all manner of treif.

I recall praying with people who I could not include in my "numbers".

I recall meeting people I could not "count" as visits.

I recall the Lord working in people that would not fit easily into JFJ's idea of "evangelism".

I recall getting into trouble that I could not fulfil the JFJ number game.

I recall realising that I didn't need to please this group but please God.

I recall many things with great fondness of memory, I don't think I've ever been bitter about it.

I recall that Moishe Rosen said that the "leavers" would band together and form a pity party and i believed it (at the time).

I recall realising that when I left this was simply control to stop people from supporting one another.

I recall many things, I kept a journal at the time.