Sunday, February 06, 2005


Remember memorizing this:

"Deputation is that ministry whereby we win the hearts of God╒'s people to our cause, encouraging them to pray, give, and witness to the end that Jewish people will be saved."

Remember if you didn't memorize those words exactly on the test that followed listening to that lecture, you would have been in major trouble?

In fact, remember that you had to listen to dozens and dozens of of pre-written lectures that were read to you word for word that took an hour each to read and taking notes like mad because you knew there would be a test soon and you'd better not miss more than two questions on that test?

As I reflect, I wonder why in the world so many pre-written training lectures had to be read outloud to us word for word?


Anonymous said...

The lectures must have to been read to us word for word since JFJ wanted to shrink us to the status of "imbecile." I don't think JFJ believed we could actually read.

Anonymous said...

Remember the lecture on UNWRITTEN WORKERS COVENANT? What I remember the most about that lecture was that Senior Missionaries got three weeks vacation, but never actually took three weeks and that even if you got two weeks vacation (wasn't that after three years or something?) that you couldn't take two weeks in a row.

I also remember the "Don't Air Your Dirty Laundry in Public" section.

And there was the part about being a good citizen and voting and also washing your car on a regular basis. When that lecture was read to me, my missionary trainer explained that it was a good idea not to leave bird droppings on the car's windshield for example.

There was the part about not wearing your Jews for Jesus jacket inside compromising places.

Anonymous said...

I was told never to go inside a bar or liquor store while I had a Jews for Jesus t-shirt on or a Jews for Jesus jacket on.

Anonymous said...

Here's one of the many lectures that was read to us word for word:



I will be speaking to you twice on the subject of Campaign
Procedures. Procedures imply structure. By now you have realized
that Campaign is a structured experience. The structure is
absolutely necessary. Some have unfortunately accused Jews for Jesus
of being almost militaristic in our structure. I'm afraid that
not that well organized. Besides, I'm certain that our critics
never been in the military and have probably never tried to
intensively evangelize the Jewish people of New York City with 24
people or the Jews of Canada with 5 people. After 18 summer
campaigns in New York City, the leadership of Jews for Jesus is
convinced that a successful campaign, a safe campaign and a unified
campaign must be structured.

There will be a "way to do things," a "time to do
things," and even
a "way to communicate" that must be commonly understood.
with me for a moment what a campaign would be like if there was no

Illustration Of Campaign Without Structure.

God is a God of order. When his people are orderly and his work is
done in order... it is a reflection of his presence and glory in
their midst. Let's learn these procedures... and blessed are ye
you do them.



Upon receiving Y'shua as Messiah, every new believer is required
learn a new heavenly language. This new language is commonly
called "Christianese." We don't need to attend some type
ecclesiastical ulpan nor do we have to take a special Sunday school
class, it just seems to happen naturally. Let me illustrate an
example of speaking Christianese.

"The first time I told my mother that she needed to be
immediately said `saved from what!?'" So? What did the
word mean to
you before you became a believer? What about some of the other buzz
words like "born again," "fellowship,"
"sanctified," or "hypostatic
union." There is nothing wrong with speaking Christianese as
long as
you make sure the other person understands it.

In other words, it's improper to speak Christianese to
including Jewish non-believers! It's like speaking Gaelic to a
Chassidic rabbi in Crown Heights. One even has to be careful
regarding the dialect of Christianese one uses. Different church
groups and denominations have their own dialect. Sometimes it
creates misunderstandings between us, sometimes we even judge another
person's spirituality by their dialect of Christianese.

These thoughts are important as we begin to discuss the topic of
campaign terminology. It's a language that we'll speak to
another but when you're in mixed company (that means with non-
campaigners) be sure to switch back to Christianese, Yiddish, Hebrew,
English, or whatever language is best understood by the recipient.
Only speak campaign talk to campaigners.

Illustration: discussing ujs in the elevator.

Never underestimate the importance of terminology. If we're
going to
move together as one unit then our communications must be in top

Let's discuss the various terms which will be used on campaign
commit them to memory. You can be quizzed on these words on any
given day. Learn a section of terms each day and know all of them
for the final.

A. Sortie Terms

1. A Sortie - A witnessing expedition during which time we usually
distribute broadsides. A French military term we adapted during our
first campaign because we had a number of French Jewish believers who
began using the term to describe going out on the streets.

2. Broadside - Our unique Jews for Jesus pamphlets on 8 1/2 X 11
paper with two folds. They are contemporary, humorous, non-preachy,
hand calligraphied conversation starters.

3. Broadsheet - Same content as a broadside, however they are 8 1/2
X 17 and folded, first in half width wise, then in half again

4. Tract bag - Specially constructed musette bags we use to carry
our broadsides, contact cards.

5. Sortie site - A destination or spot chosen for a particularly
team sortie.

6. Subway hole - A underground train entrance or path. One of our
favorite sortie sites. Just be sure to ask whether you are to stand
above or below ground.

7. Corner - A specific spot chosen for you by your team leader.

8. Police-up - Picking up the discarded broadsides.

9. Decision - When someone accepts Christ.

B. Organizational Terms

1. Colors - Sortie attire; jeans or dockers or jean skirt and the t-
shirt of the day.

2. Cover shirt - A shirt worn to cover up your Jews for Jesus t-

3. Rest time - The break time between sorties

4. Writing postcards - Communicating with the prayer and financial
supporters of Jews for Jesus - thanking them, informing them, asking
them to pray.

5. NODs - "Notices of Donation" - the duplicate receipts
a gift to Jews for Jesus. We use these when writing postcards. They
tell us the name and address and history of the donor.

6. Team Leader - The individual in-charge of the team (synonym:
group leader).

C. Contact Terms

1. Contact - An individual who has given you their name and address
indicating interest in receiving more information from Jews for Jesus.
2. JB - A Jewish believer in Jesus.
3. UJ - An unsaved Jewish person.
4. GB - A Gentile/non-Jewish believer.
5. UG - An unsaved Gentile.
6. JBD - A Jewish person who made a decision.
7. GBD - A Gentile person who made a decision.
8. Names and Addresses - A synonym for contacts.

D. Event Terms

1. Postering - A sortie where we put up posters.
2. Parade - An evangelistic procession.
3. Parabolic Preaching - A presentation of street drama in which a
modern day parable or story is told.
4. Street Testimony - A dramatized testimony done outdoors, can be
done in parable form as well.
5. Street Music An instrumental or voice accompanied music
presentation done outdoors or in a subway hole, possibly with
amplification. Instruments such as guitar, tambourine, violin or
accordion most commonly used.
6. Street Theater - A sketch, usually kinetic, in which two or more
present a gospel truth outdoors.
7. Ringers - Individuals who form the armature of a crowd for street
theater, street testimonies, music, dancing, or parabolic preaching.

E. Opposition Terms

1. Probe - An individual who claims to be a Christian or an
interested UJ but is really looking to a penetrate our outreach. A
probe is generally an agent of an anti-missionary organization.

2. Opposition (anti-missionaries) - People who would believe what we
believe and do what we do if they knew what we know. But since they
don't, they seek to stop us from doing what we do through verbal
harassment, picketing our events, calling us a cult.

a). Jews Against Jesus - (AKA Jews for Judaism).
b) JCRC - Jewish Community Relations Council or their task force on
Missionaries and Cults.
c) Kahane Chai - (protested our Russian Purim Party)
d) Bet Shifra - (coordinated with Kahane Chai on this)
e) Yacov Spivak - Attacks us in the Jewish Press and sometimes
pickets our New York office.


There are two ways you can follow your team leader during campaign.
You may either follow actively or passively. It is preferable for
you to be an active follower rather than just allowing yourself to be
carried along by the flow of campaign. It's important for you to
know where you are to be, when you are to be there and how you're
going to get there. It will be a temptation to move from sortie to
sortie without thinking especially when you're feeling tired.
allow your team leader to do all the thinking for you. Help your
team leader lead you by being aware and alert at all times. Always
show up for a sortie five minutes before you leave the building.

Let's now consider the various types of schedules you should be
familiar with during campaign.

A. Daily Schedule

1. The morning

a. (Campaign Command) - Team Leaders meet at 6:15 a.m.
b. Campaigners meet at 6:25 a.m.
Sick call is at 6:25 a.m. Any campaigner who needs medical attention
(non-emergency, of course) should make that known then by reporting
to Sandra Links.
Roll call is taken at 6:30 a.m. All campaigners are expected to be
on time, and to turn in their 10 postcards in the appropriate box on
the 3rd floor when they arrive.
A continental breakfast is served between 6:30 and 6:45 a.m.
c. Time of Departure - 6:45 a.m.
Have your bag on and be outside of the building ready to go.
d. Duration of Sortie - 6:45 a.m. back by 9:30 a.m.
e. Broadside - Your bags will be packed the night before, and
arranged by number in the front hall way.
f. Characteristics of Morning Sortie
1. Sleepy commuters
2. They are usually in a hurry
3. It will be difficult to get into conversations so you'll
have to work especially hard for contacts.
g. Number of broadsides expected to be distributed -700-1200
h. Re-gather at the Building - 9:30 a.m.
When you return to the building there will be water waiting for you
at the front door. There will also be a zip code book on the table
for those of you who have contact cards without them - DO NOT HAND IN
CARDS WITHOUT A ZIP CODE ON IT! Leave your tract bags neatly in the
designated area on the first floor, and proceed to the third floor
for brunch immediately. DO NOT LINGER ON THE FIRST FLOOR - THERE ARE

9:30-10:15 a.m. brunch
10:15-10:55 a.m. chapel

You should enter the chapel quietly and respectfully. As you come in
you will receive an index card on which you are to write out your
scripture verse that you were given the day before. The scripture
verses are posted each day on the bulletin board of the dining hall
on the third floor.

2. The afternoon

I. The Noon Sortie

a. Place of Meeting - Campaign Command
b. Time of Departure - 11:10 a.m. Meet outside of the building; not
in the lobby.
c. Duration of Sortie - 11:10-1:45 p.m.
d. Broadside - Your bags will be packed and arranged by number in
the front hall way.
e. Characteristics
1. A lunch time crowd
2. People are not as much in a hurry and are willing to involve
themselves in conversations.
3. Some teams will be doing street testimonies or street music.
Others will have a "clown" accompanying them.
4. This is a time to get lots of contacts.
f. Number of broadsides expected to be distributed
400-800 depending on your corner and ability to get into
conversations. The better you are getting into conversations, the
more contacts you'll receive and the less broadsides you'll
g. Re-gather at the Building: 1:45 p.m.
Leave your tract bags neatly in the designated area on the first
floor, and then you are free to rest and relax until the late
afternoon sortie.

[buffet sandwiches & salads will be available on the third floor for
those who want it, and foam pads and blankets set up on the fourth
floor for people who may want to take a quick nap without going back
to the hotel. However, it is preferable to go back to your hotel for
a quick shower or nap. Be sure that if you do go to the hotel
directly from your sortie site, that you have arranged for your tract
bag to be brought directly back to the building for refilling!]

II. The afternoon sortie

a. Team Leaders meet, [if requested] 3:35 p.m. at bldg.
b. Campaigners meet - 3;50 p.m.
c. Time of Departure - 3:50 p.m.
d. Duration of Sortie - 3:50- 6:30 p.m.
e. Characteristics
1. Commuters returning home from work
2. People are spacy and in a hurry to catch their bus or train.
3. Contacts are easier to get than during the a.m. sortie but more
difficult than at noon. You'll have to work hard to get contacts.
g. Number of broadsides - depending on where you're standing,
should expect to distribute 700-1200.
h. Re-gather for Dinner 6:30-7:20 p.m. at office.

III. The evening Sortie

a. Place of Meeting - leave from dinner.
b. Time of Departure - 7:30 p.m.
c. Duration of Sortie - 7:30-10:15 p.m. (depending on your sortie
site). Some special event or theater sorties can go later. One team
may remain at the building for calling and follow-up.
d. Broadside - Stewards pack tract bags in afternoon.
e. Characteristics

1.This depends on the site:
a) West Village - A mixture of punk rockers, NYU students, gays,
druggies, tourists, and New Agers.
b) Theater District - A cross-section of individuals who will be
attending either the movies or theater. They have to be able to
afford the $50 for a play or the $7 for a movie.
c) Concerts/Special Events - the crowd depends on the event. For
example, the crowd at Lincoln Center would be quite different than
the crowd attending a Rolling Stones concert.
d) Times Square - a colorful group of characters; lots of
prostitutes, drunks, cheap thrill seekers and tourists. Times Square
is a hangout for all types from the upper classes to the
prostitutes. Be awake.
e) Brighton Beach Boardwalk-Russian Jews.
2. People usually have time to talk.
3. Expect lots of conversations, but you might distribute less
4. The time schedule will vary according to the event. For example,
you might have to wait until a movie or a show gets out in order to
broadside the crowd. This could occur at any time between 10:00 and
11:00 p.m.
5. This sortie might be the occasion for some street music.

*Saturday's schedule starts a little later and ends later. There
more teams of fewer people covering many more sites. A Saturday
schedule often involves a double sortie in mid morning to mid
afternoon with a lunch break on site. Depending on what you
do...beach evangelism, Central Park, etc.

B. Meal Schedules (In third floor dining room)
1.Breakfast - before the morning sortie at 6:30-6:45 a.m., light fare
(continental breakfast)
2.Brunch - 9:30-10:15 a.m.
*3.Lunch-after the noon sortie on the third floor - 1:45-2:45 p.m.
(don't sell them a "sizzle"…i.e., don't mention lox.)
4.Dinner - 6:30-7:20 p.m..
[1.Full Breakfast- 7:45-8:30
2.Lunch-(either per diems, box lunches or buffet in bldg)
3.Dinner -after the double sortie, 6:30-7:15 p.m.]**


C. Rest Time: 1:45-3:45 p.m.

D. Day Off Schedule

Sunday will be our regular day off. At times this may be changed.
For example, your first Sunday in New York is July 2nd and that will
not be a day off since the 4th of July activities will need to be
broadsided. Use your day off wisely—to get rested and renewed.
Everyone will be expected to attend a weekly church service (with the
exception of July 2nd (we'll have our own chapel service). A list
churches and the times of their services will be made available to

E. Appointments with the Campaign Chaplains

Chaplain appointments will be posted. Attendance is expected. The
chaplains are there to encourage you in your spiritual health.

F. Your Personal Schedule

Although most of your day will be structured, there will still be a
few hours for you to spend as you please. Plan this time wisely.
You'll need to make time for the following:

1. Sleep - You know how much sleep you need to function effectively.
Please don't socialize into the wee hours of the morning or the
people you hope to encounter on the streets the next day will miss
meeting the best you.

2. Try to guard an hour or so during the day to rest.

3. Personal Hygiene
a. Because of the grime and humidity, your roommates would prefer
that you shower at least once a day. The afternoon break time might
be the best time to shower.
b. Be considerate of your roommates by not spending more than 10
minutes in the bathroom in the morning. This will give everyone
enough time to prepare themselves for the day.
c. Don't leave dirty, sweaty clothes around—use a laundry bag.

4. Postcards - These are best done in the late evening or early
morning. You do not want to get behind on these. Find a regular time
to write them daily. Postcards to your church, friends who have
supported you in this endeavor should be on your list to!

5.Personal letter writing - When you're done with your postcards.

6.Laundry - Schedule to be announced. Laundry bags brought to
building almost daily, alternating whites, jeans, T-shirts.

7.Memory verses - It's helpful to make note cards and carry them
you wherever you go. Rehearse verses with your colleagues.

8.Developing Friendships - Campaign is a time when you can make
friends for life. Making and developing these friendships is best
done at mealtimes, when you work, and on your days off, but not late
at night.

9. Spiritual Life - This is listed last because it's crucial and
needs to be especially emphasized. Daily chapel services and memory
verses, are not substitutes for your personal devotional life.
worth missing some sleep to spend time in the Word and in prayer. If
you fail to maintain a consistent devotional life, then your campaign
experience will not be as meaningful to you.


A. The New York Office (Campaign Command)
Street Address & Phone #:
109 E. 31st Street
New York, NY 10016
(212) 683-7077

B. The Shelburne Murray Hill (Please do not tell people on the
streets where you are staying)
303 Lexington Avenue
New York, NY 10016
(212) 689-5200

C. The Chicago Office
4550 Oakton Mailing address:
Skokie, IL 60076 P.O. Box 182
(708) 679-2680 Skokie, IL 60076
Jhan Moskowitz, director

D. Moody Bible Institute Phone #: (312) 329-4420

E. 24 hour Prayer Hot Line # (212) 779-1373
There will be a new message every day of campaign, beginning June 28 -
July 30th which will contain the progress & praise reports and your
prayer requests. Please let those who are praying for you know about

V. Sundry Procedures (How to live & be well during Campaign)

A. How to Live with Roommates

Everyone will have their own bed in the hotel. However, we will be
sharing bathrooms, showers, refrigerators, a kitchenette, etc.

1. Please keep your area clean & neat.
2. Make sure that you put all foods away in the refrigerator when you
are finished using them and wash your dishes, pots, pans, etc.
3. If you are the last one to finish an item of food, be sure to let
someone know or replace it. You might find it helpful to assign one
person to be `in charge of food!'
4. Work out your shower arrangements and please keep the bathrooms
5. Don't watch television very late. Also, please be considerate
turn the lights out when others are trying to sleep.
6. Be an example and encouragement to your roommates. Try to resist
the temptation to kvetch. Your positive influence over your roommate
(s) is crucial to the morale of the campaign.
7. Dresser drawers will be divided and clothing goes in those
drawers, not on your bed.
8. Rooms will be periodically inspected.
9. You may not invite contacts to the hotel or to your room. If you
have friends in New York City, meet them in the hotel lobby. Only
with the consent of your roommates can you invite them up to your
10. The hotel is one of the finest in N.Y., however, every room may
have a cockroach or two; almost every building in New York City has
cockroaches. Spraying with Raid isn't worth it. Cockroaches only
stay where they are fed and they usually eat grease. We don't
much with cockroaches because they can't read tracts.


B. How to be a Good Hotel Guest

(Introduction regarding our relationship to the Shelburne)

1. Be considerate of the other guests and staff at the hotel.
2. Be quiet in the lobby, halls and elevator especially late at night
and early in the morning.
3. Don't shout to one another across the lobby. This is
Don't run through the lobby. This is disruptive too.
4. Don't hold the elevator…it will bother the other guests.
5. Do not make direct outgoing calls or even local phone calls from
the room phones. They are extremely expensive. Collect or calling
card calls are your own concern, but no calls or room service or any
other incidental charges will be covered by JFJ. To use room phone,
a $15 deposit per room—cash or credit card—will be needed at
time of
6. Try to use public telephones outside of the hotel when possible so
that we're not always tying up the public phones in the hotel.
7. Be sure to lock your room each night with a double bolt and chain.
8. Report all hotel complaints to the person serving as the hotel
9. We will pay the final hotel bill at the end, but you must clear
all personal charges before leaving.

C. Security Measures

Ministering in an urban community among a people who could be hostile
to your message must make you security-minded. It's not that we
should be paranoid, but we must be very careful.

1.Do not carry large amounts of money (over $25) on your person.
However, you do need at least $1 to not be considered a vagrant.
2.Don't go on late night strolls by yourself.
3.You might want to check in your valuables at the hotel desk safe.
4.Wear a cover shirt when you're going out alone.
5.Please do not disclose the following:
a. The name & address of the hotel we're staying at.
b. The duration of Campaign or the number of campaigners. (Alinsky
principle re: power)
c. Your home address & phone number. It's even best to not give
last name.
6. Do not make any unauthorized follow-up visits. (illustr. Stoken)
7. Always let your roommates or team leader know where you are. If
you'll be leaving the hotel on your day off, let your team leader
know an address or phone number where you can be reached, if
possible. (i.e. If you are going to the Metropolitan Museum, for
example, tell your team leader and give an indication of when you
expect to be back at the hotel).

D. Love & Marriage

Believe it or not…Campaign has been the occasion for many a
You would think that the schedule would be prohibitive of such
activity, but it's not. Now, we don't want to discourage
you, nor do
we want to play cupid. The following suggestions are designed to
help all of us to have a socially healthy campaign. This year's
campaigners include three married couples, some married people who
are here without their spouse and mostly single people.

1.Dating couples or couples considering dating or couples that are
beginning to become couples, should not stay up past midnight.
You'll be too tired to campaign and too tired to fall in love.
2.Husbands and wives will generally not be placed on the same team.
3.P.D.A. (Public Display of Affection) is discouraged for dating
couples. It will make the rest of us terribly uncomfortable.
be sensitive to those who are away from family and those who are

E. Suggestions For Your Day Off

1.Church services
A list of churches and the times of their Sunday services will be
posted at Campaign Command.
2. Sightseeing
There are brochures in the lobby at the Shelbourne. Don't forget
that some of your co-workers on campaign know New York well and can
be a real resource in this area.
3. Spend time with new friends
4. Spend time in the Word

NOTE: There is no food per diem on your day off. You're on
own. New York has some great restaurants!

F. Office Decorum

1. Please speak softly if you're in the ground floor of the

2. No use of elevator except stewards and those living in the
building in line of duty and going to their room.

3. Bathrooms are on the basement, 1st, 3rd, and 4th floors.

4. All campaigners have access to Susan. But resist the temptation
to ask Susan questions—particularly if she is in motion at the
Try asking your team leader first. Susan will not be able to
function if everyone barrages her with questions upon entering the
office. Do put your questions or suggestions in writing each day.
She will read all written questions and suggestions daily.

5. Please keep all your personal items such as T-shirts, coats, or
broadside bags next to you or in your bin on the fourth floor at all
times when in the office. In other words, do not leave things lying
around. (Your personal bins on the fourth floor will be announced on

6. Keep the office work areas clean and uncluttered.

7. No food is allowed anywhere but in the dining area.

8. In general, it's best not to do much talking in the office at
all. If you do, make sure it's important and talk softly. You
no idea what 24 people talking all a once will sound like.

VI.What does a Campaigner need when he/she does a sortie?

A. The content of the tract you are distributing. READ THE
BROADSIDE BEFORE YOU HAND IT OUT. This can be done on the subway on
route to your site or while you are assembling.

B. How to fill a tract bag:

1.In order to properly load a tract bag, it must be done to be sure
that each bundle is properly rubber banded and neat.
2. Proceed to lay the tract bag down on a table with the velcro side
facing you and fill the bag with an even row of bundles.
3. In front of those bundles place perpendicularly at least 3 more
bundles. Close flap.
4. Demonstrate.
5. Contact cards, decision cards, some Russian language tracts and
pens should be placed in tract bag.
6. All bags should contain handy-wipes for your hands after the

C. How to return a tract bag:

1.All bundles (100) should be rubber-banded. Partial bundles should
be rounded off to 25's (i.e., 25, 50, 75).
2.Know how many bundles are packed because you will need to give your
team leader the # of tracts distributed after each sortie.
3.Each tract bag should hold between 500-1200 tracts, depending on
the sortie.

C .How to fill out contact cards (see transparency).

1. This must be done neatly and legibly so that whoever is following
up the contact is able to read the card.
2. Starting in the top left hand corner of the 3" x 5" card.
Check M
or F for male or female. Those are your only two choices. Next put
in the date 7 for July or 6 June and the day. Do not put in year.
3. Print the first or given name, followed by the second for family
4. Underneath that write the address. Ask for the apartment #. It
is very helpful for drop in visits. The city, state and zip code go
next. If they are non US addresses, be extra careful to get the
spelling and order exact.
5. Next put in the code: UJ, JB, UG, GB, JBD or GBD.
6. It is extremely important to try and get the person's
number(s). There is a place for both their day or office number and
their home number. Sometimes they will be more open to giving you an
office number, if they have family members at home who would be
hostile to a call from a missionary. Getting one or both numbers will
save a missionary time in having to look up the phone number. It
might not even be in the phone book if it's an unlisted number.
not press for two phone numbers if they are willing to give you
7. If the person is Jewish, if appropriate, check off (R) for
Russian, (I) for Israeli, (S) for Sephardi. If the person does not
speak English, check off (NE) In the comments section, put the down
what language they do speak.
8. If the person is a Gentile and you can discern their ethnic
background, include that information. When we refer these people to
churches, this information is very helpful. If you check off Asian
and know whether the person is Korean, Chinese, Japanese, etc. please
put that in the Other___ space. If the person is Indian, or any other
category that is not included, put that in the space marked
9. Estimate the age range and check off appropriate box.
10. Put the street location down (eg: Times Sq., Wall St., Lex & 59th)
11. For campaign ID, put your initials in.
12. Write any notes or comments about the contact such as "the
is very open," "wants to meet with someone right away,"
and "the
person's curious; just wants to receive literature," etc.
13. Sometimes a person will not want to give you their address, just
their phone number. That's all right. Fill out the card anyway.
14. Turn in your completed contact cards to your team leader at the
end of each sortie. If you need to get a zip code to complete a card,
do so at the desk near the door when you enter the outer office
area. Check over your cards to make sure they are legible. Team
leaders turn in completed contact cards and sortie card when
returning to the office from sortie. A basket will be provided for
that purchase. (Made changes)

C. How to get subway tokens

Your team leader will distribute them to each of you every morning.
These tokens should only be used for campaign functions.

D. How to report to your team leader.

1.Your team leader will always be available to you to speak with if
there is some problem that you are having. At times your team leader
might be pre-occupied and will not be able to give you his or her
attention. Please be patient with your team leader and ask him or
her when would be a good time to talk.

2.If you are finding it difficult to speak with your team leader get
their consent to speak to the campaign director.

Anonymous said...

"If you are finding it difficult to speak with your team leader get
their consent to speak to the campaign director."

Now, That is a joke!
In otherwords, "ask permission of someone you are having trouble with to go and talk to their boss, which will be denied, because you are on Campaign and that means it is pain-ful, so get over it and suck it up like a good soldier."