Saturday, February 05, 2005

We may have been sleep deprived, but we weren't food deprived...

JFJ did seem to keep us busy. I do remember being tired most of the time and never seeming to be able to catch up on sleep, but I never went hungry.

Many staff meetings seemed to be centered around food. I found myself trying exotic dishes like sushi. I even was instructed how to properly make the most of using chopsticks.

I learned that there was different qualities of bagels. The store bought bagels just didn't match up to the ones from good bagel shops.

Cream cheese and lox also could be judged for quality. It was very important that you didn't run out of these items.

I do not remember missionaries being directed to go on a diet very often.

Sometimes we were given extra postcards and fines, but, fortunately, we were never punished by being told we could not eat.


Anonymous said...

I remember being given extra money by JFJ to eat out on Campaign when we did sorties far away from the JFJ building and couldn't get back for dinner. All I remember is seeing people walking by with huge slices of pizza and thinking that after the late night sortie, that I'd use that extra money to buy a slice. The problem was I was too tired to eat it when the time came to enjoy that slice of pizza!

Anonymous said...

I got a lot of chances to try new and exotic foods when on staff. At least we didn't go to bed hungry. Tired, yes, hungry, no.

Anonymous said...

I actually acquired a taste for sushi while on staff. I have to say, this was a good thing.

Anonymous said...

I developed a taste for Shrimp with Lobster Sauce while serving with JFJ. Try it! Yummy!

Also, big gigantic bowls filled with noodles from Japanese restaurants are really quite good! Try eating those noodles with chopsticks and you'll have great fun. Don't order a bowl full of fish that look at you though.

Kim Chee (spelling?) seemed to also be a favorite.

Lox seems to vary in quality I learned.

Anonymous said...

It is telling, scandalous and sad that there was no pretense of trying to respect kosher restrictions in the foods that were provided in JFJ. This is one of the ways in which some kinds of Messianic Judaism differ from JFJ--a senstivity to Jewish life. Someone I know once said that JFJ capitizes on Jewishness without investing in it. It sounds true to me, and sad. JFJ really DOES peddle Evangelical Christianity in Jewish clothes.

Anonymous said...

Today I was at McDonalds for breakfast and when I saw the hash browns, I remember someone in JFJ telling me his family ate those instead of latkes for Chanukah. I get this feeling that hash browns from McDonalds are definately not kosher.